Monday, April 11 was an important date for the WFO members and the leaders in the Offshore wind market to meet again for the 5th Offshore Dispute Resolution Committee meeting and witnessing the launching of the first draft of WFO Expert Rules for discussion amongst the members. The meeting was opened by Committee Chairman Tobias […]

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  CARNEADES Legal Contract Flash on Youtube about the topic DNP vs Warranty Period. Click the picture and enjoy the video.

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The World Forum Offshore Wind announced on Thursday, May 27, at a press release in HAMBURG, the creation of the Offshore Dispute Resolution Committee (ODRC) as an Offshore Alternative Dispute Resolution implement. According to the official press release, which was published by Mr. Gunnar Herzig, manging director of the WFO, the creation of the said […]

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OFTO GwyntyMor Carneades

09.09.2020 – Carneades Legal Hamburg, Tobias Voigt, Martina Labes, Irina Bojko According to the UK provisions, and this is somewhat unique to other European countries, the development of a wind farm contains the construction of DC or AC offshore substation platform(s), offshore and onshore export cables and an onshore substation. However, since the applicable UK […]

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Bauablaufbezogene Darstellung

Hamburg, CARNEADES Legal, 29.04.2020, Rechtsanwalt Tobias Voigt und stud-iur. Irina Bojko Viele Baustellen, ein gemeinsames Problem – Bauverzögerungen aufgrund von Covid-19. Nicht fertigstellte Vorgewerke, krankheitsbedingte Ausfälle im Personal, neue Arbeitsschutzregelungen oder Lieferverzögerungen beim Baumaterial – Covid-19 hängt wie eine graue Wolke über sämtlichen Bauvorhaben und noch ist nicht absehbar wann diese Wolke sich verziehen wird. […]

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Hamburg, CARNEADES Legal, 08.04.2020, Rechtsanwalt Tobias Voigt und stud-iur. Irina Bojko Die aktuelle Lage um Covid-19 stellt Politik, Wirtschaft, sowie Unternehmer und Verbraucher vor eine Vielzahl juristischer Fragestellungen, die es so bisher noch nicht gab. Insbesondere im Bereich des Leistungsstörungsrechts stehen Vertragsparteien vor der Herausforderung die neuen Gegebenheiten rechtlich zu erfassen und zu beurteilen. In […]

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Presentation of CARNEADES Legal on the consequences of Force Majeure under FIDIC Yellow Book 1999. Please contact us for any questions you may have about the topic.

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Presentation of CARNEADES Legal on the preconditions of Force Majeure under FIDIC Yellow Book 1999. Please contact us for any questions you may have about the topic.

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Tobias Voigt is comitted to the education of the next generation of lawyers with a focus on the international project market.

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  The lack of standard legal provisions in Norwegian Contract Law for Works and Labor gives the contracting parties a broad scope for individual agreements. Due to this background, so-called standard contracts have been developed in Norway for certain situations in Contract Law for Works and Labor, e.g. the ‘Norwegian building and civil engineering contract’. […]

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