Recht unbekannt ist die Eigenverwaltung im Rahmen eines Insolvenzverfahrens, welche in §§ 270 ff. Insolvenzordnung (InsO) geregelt ist. Hierbei handelt es sich nicht um eine eigene Verfahrensart, sondern vielmehr um Sonderregelungen, die die klassische Regelinsolvenz gänzlich anders ablaufen lassen. Auf Antrag des Schuldners entscheidet das Insolvenzgericht, ob das Insolvenzverfahren in Eigenverwaltung stattfindet oder ob die […]

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Distributed Blockchain

Blockchain is a chain of blocks. Simple as that. How can you make smart contracts out that phenomenon, everybody is currently talking about? A blockchain, in its core, is a distributed database where every node contains the full information of the whole database. So, every node can validate the consistency of the database in total. […]

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Saudi Arabia

  International businesses generally search for a secure legal framework before choosing to settle in a country and launching business. Thus, while aiming to conclude important contracts and international transaction in Arab oriental countries , business partners are challenged by the questions of the meaning so as the application of Islamic Law and the compliance […]

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PLAN   1/ INTRODUCTION   2/ LE CADRE JURIDIQUE DES CONDITIONS GENERALES EN DROIT DES CONTRATS FRANÇAIS 2.1 Aperçu historique sur la notion des conditions générales 2.2 Les apports de la réforme du Code Civil français de 2016 3/ LE CADRE JURIDIQUE DES CONDITIONS GENERALES EN DROIT DES CONTRATS ALLEMAND 3.1 Dispositions légales du Code […]

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La réforme du Code Civil français et des règles de validité des contrats fondées sur des conditions générales. L’un des inconvénients majeurs du Droit Civil allemand consiste essentiellement en la réglementation portant sur l’usage des conditions générales ou des clauses pré-rédigées plus généralement. De telles clauses seront soumises à une évaluation (examen) juridique exercée par les tribunaux […]

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The reform of the French Civil Code and the validity regulations for contracts based on general conditions One major disadvantage of the German civil law system is considered to be the regulations on the use of general conditions or pre-drafted clauses in general. Such clauses will be put under legal evaluation by courts, according to […]

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The development of the reform of the German construction contract law is gaining speed. The draft of the law of the federal government “Draft of the law for the reform of the construction contract law and the amendment of the liability for deficiencies under sales law” as subject of Bundestag-Record 18/8486 will be dealt with […]

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Meet us at EWEA OFFSHORE 2015 in Copenhagen on March 10-12!

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